Martorell Radio Live

Martorell Radio is an online music radio station. This radio station has been broadcasting on air and online from Florida, United States. This radio promotes various kinds of latest pop, top40, spanish, latin, etc., We are streaming music and programs both in online and broadcasting 24 hours a day. Our station official website address is

Martorell Radio is a music portal and live programs, widespread among internet networks, where the musical sound difference is what today does not ring in the terrestrial radio. From the urban genre, music anglo until you used to hear classical you can enjoy an extensive list of music in this way. Founded in September 2015, its mission is to bring clearer information, entertainment everyday and cheer with different DJs to the public preparing to leave for a weekend.

Martorell Radio

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This FM or Radios is one of the most famous online radio stations in Florida, United States. This Internet Radio station broadcasting 24/7 pop, top40, spanish, latin, etc.

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Radio contacts


Box R 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield CT USA 06824


(203) 254-4144


[email protected]

406-494-6020 fax