Radio Pro Popular is an online music radio station. This radio station has been broadcasting on air and online from Bucureşti, Romania. This radio promotes various kinds of latest folk, etc., We are streaming music and programs both in online and broadcasting 24 hours a day. Our station official website address is
Radio Pro Popular a fost infiintat de catre Cosmin pe data de 18 octombrie 2014 acest radio emite muzica lautareasca, sarbe, hore, muzica de petrecere... Acest post de radio promoveaza muzica populara din toate regiunile tarii , echipa noastra a selectionat pentru voi cea mai buna muzica populara din toate timpurile, va asteptam cu drag in familia noastra Radio Pro Popular.
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This FM or Radios is one of the most famous online radio stations in Bucureşti, Romania. This Internet Radio station broadcasting 24/7 folk, etc.