Radio Sacra Famiglia Live

Radio Sacra Famiglia is an online music radio station. This radio station has been broadcasting on air and online from Trentino Alto Adige, Italy. This radio promotes various kinds of latest news, talk, italian, etc., We are streaming music and programs both in online and broadcasting 24 hours a day. Our station official website address is

Radio Sacra Famiglia InBlu è l’emittente radiofonica di lingua italiana della Diocesi di Bolzano – Bressanone. Ha sede nel Centro Pastorale di Bolzano, piazza Duomo n. 3, dove si trovano anche Radio Gruene Welle (emittente di lingua tedesca), i due settimanali cattolici e l’Ufficio Stampa.

Radio Sacra Famiglia

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This FM or Radios is one of the most famous online radio stations in Trentino Alto Adige, Italy. This Internet Radio station broadcasting 24/7 news, talk, italian, etc.

Ratings of Radio Sacra Famiglia

Radio contacts


Piazza Duomo, 3 I - 39100 Bolzano




[email protected]

fax 0471.982824 [email protected] [email protected]