Run City 974 is an online music radio station. We are broadcasting 24 hours a day.
Run City 974 is a francophone radio in the Indian Ocean based in Reunion Island. The playlist is made up of very diverse styles: R & B, rock, pop, reggae, soul, song, rap, hip hop, world. You will find music but also chronic information.
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This FM or Radios is one of the most famous online radio stations in , France. This Internet Radio station broadcasting 24/7 rock, r'n'b, pop, rap, hip-hop, soul, reggae, etc.
16b Poppy Avenue 91210 Draveil, Paris
Phone:+33 1 60 47 51 59
Email:[email protected] 09 61 26 44 16 14, rue Saint Anne Espace Saint Julien – 53000 (sur RDV) Répondeur : 09 70 40 59 40