Rádio O2 Interativa Fm Online Live Radio Stations

Rádio O2 Interativa Fm is an online music radio station. This radio station has been broadcasting on air and online from São Paulo, Brazil. This radio promotes various kinds of latest dance, pop, top40, etc., We are streaming music and programs both in online and broadcasting 24 hours a day. Our station official website address is o2radio.webnode.com

Somos a primeira emissora a transmitir via web uma programação híbrida no Brasil. Nossa programação é recheada de rock em suas mais variadas vertentes, flertando com o rap/hip-hop e o reggae sem esquecer da música eletrônica e outros gêneros alternativos. Mostrar mais

Rádio O2 Interativa Fm

Rating: 4 Reviews: 1

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This FM or Radios is one of the most famous online radio stations in São Paulo, Brazil. This Internet Radio station broadcasting 24/7 dance, pop, top40, etc.

Ratings of Rádio O2 Interativa Fm

Radio contacts


Avenida Valdomiro Bocchese, 872 . CEP 95250-000, Antônio Prado . RS . Freqüência


+55 11 96200-9565


[email protected]

WhatsApp: 51993771271